The moment I read the blurb, I was hooked on this read. The blurb had a Stephen King-esque quality, which is right in my wheelhouse. I couldn't resist reading it; it's a quick but intense read. I couldn't put the book down and finished it in a couple of hours because the blend of science fiction, horror, and the tragic loss of a child had me completely captivated.
The author skillfully breathed life into the characters. A lot of effort was put into creating the rift to capture the necessary details and convey the experience and evil being unleashed.
I found the read impressive; the book flowed well, and the ending was perfect. It's a must-read, no doubt about it.
Many thanks to @netgalley @flametreepress & @RandomTTours for a spot on the tour.
About the Author

Raised on comics, the fiction of King and Koontz, The Twilight Zone, and other genre fare unsuitable for an impressionable young mind, Seth C. Adams wanted to write at a young age.
With a formal education in anthropology and history, as an adult, he's learned that life is indeed stranger–and more terrifying–than fiction. He resides in Arizona and is hard at work on his next story.